Saturday, September 24, 2011

A visit from Jen.

Before I got put of this horrid bed rest my good friend from Long Beach (we've been friends since the 6th grade!) was planning on coming out for a visit. I had all these plans...make a yummy dinner, go to lunch at Sundance, see the falls and so on. But, then came my ultrasound, the signs of early labor, a hospital stay, to now...back on the sofa. However, that didn't bother Jen a bit and she still pressed on with the visit. I'm so glad she did! She made herself at home and whipped up a scrumptious dinner for the whole family the day she arrived. The girls were heaven, and absolutely adored her. Jen bought them a pedicure kit, so the next the day after school they came racing into the house super excited for their "pedi party" Jen planned for them. My mom made a delicious dinner for everyone that night before she had to get back to the hotel in the city.

You know, as I'm sitting here so many memories are popping into my head about Jen and I when we were younger. The year we met in 6th grade, I kid you not, I think we were connected at the hip...we did everything together. And the funny thing is, that was the ONLY year that we were at the same school! I find it very impressive that we remained such close friends all those other years in different schools to now.

I think every kid needs to have a close friend growing up...or as Anne (from Anne of Green Gables) would say, a "Bosom Friend".

I'm thinking I may have to scrounge up an old photo of the two us along with a memory...I'm feeling a bit nostalgic all of a sudden.

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