Sunday, September 25, 2011

This Stinks

Today my girls had their Primary Program at church....I had to miss it. Bed rest. I heard they did great and they were as cute as can be, but dang, I wish I could have been there. Luckily, they had of course Ryan, plus both grandmas (my mom has been here and my mother-in-law arrived on Friday) and their Uncle Jeffy also showed up! It sounded like a great program.

Fall has arrived. The leaves are changing, I can see them on the side of mountain from my living room window. It won't be long and the valley will be full of color as well. Ryan, his mom and the girls went for a drive this afternoon up the canyon to see the colors. And of course here I sit while they're doing that. Can you see I'm feeling sorry for myself. I can't help it...this is such a beautiful time of year! The weather is perfect and the colors are amazing. It's the time of year I should be cranking out the apple pies with all the apples that are piling up. Or canning pear butter with the millions of pears we have. And I really, really wanted to have a couple of rooms painted before this baby. Oh well...those things will just have to wait.

My content is really going to suffer during this time of bed rest. There just isn't much to write about when my life consists of sitting on the couch all day. I'll try to do better.

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