Thursday, September 29, 2011

What I've been up to.

I know my life is very bland lately. The only big task I need to do that requires me to leave the sofa longer than a couple of minutes in showering. And I only do that every three days. Gross? Perhaps...but how dirty can I be when I sit on the sofa everyday?

So, I do a lot of reading (especially Monday-Wednesday when Ryan takes the computer to work on those days). Although, I admit most of the reading I do are magazines. I'm trying to gather as many decorating ideas as possible, mainly paint colors. Some magazines I enjoy: Country Living (that all started when I stole a copy from the doctors office a couple months back), Real Simple, Martha Stewart's Living (I never thought I'd see the day I would read one her magazines...but, gotta say, it does have some good stuff in it), Woman's Day (great recipes), and of course all the gossipy magazines like People and In Touch.

I also finished reading the Entitlement Trap...I loved it. I read it with a pen and notebook to write down all the good ideas I hope to use in my own household.

Richard and Linda Eyre are parents of NINE children, and of course they use a lot of examples from their own experiences. But they don't do it in a "My children are so perfect, this is what we did, and you should do it too if you want perfect children." kinda way. I hate that, don't you? No, their household was not perfect and they learned by trial and error...and they use a lot of humorous stories which I like.

Okay, these pictures are not in order like they were supposed to be...oh well.

I also watched (took me a few days) Pride and Prejudice. Very good. But goodness, that mom in so annoying!

Yesterday, I got a little package! Don't you just love getting things in the mail? My grandma sent me this movie, "17 Miracles". We watched it last night. It follows the journey of one of the last groups of Mormons to make the trek west to Utah.'s hard to believe all the things pioneers had to endure.
I'm currently reading The 19th Wife. It follows the writings of Eliza Young, the 19th and rebel wife of Brigham Young. It also has a parallel story about a mystery revolving around a modern day polygamy family. It's interesting, and holding my attention...but I just don't know how I feel about it yet.
So, yeah...that's kinda what I've been up to. Thrilling isn't it?

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