Tuesday, October 4, 2011

3 Weeks down...hoping for 5 more.

I know I've been MIA this past week. I just wanted to give a quick post to report that yes, I'm still pregnant. And yes, I'm still on bed rest. I'm going on three weeks of bed rest tomorrow...ugh. And of course I'm hoping that I will remain on bed rest for the rest of October and then some. It's a real pain to absolutely hate bed rest and being completely miserable, yet, I have to hope that I'll be on it for a long time. Weird how that is. In case you're wondering I'll be 32 weeks and the end of the week. Remember...I'm hoping to get to at least 37 weeks. Five weeks to go...oh my, give me strength.

My mother-in-law was in town last week helping us out. She left on Sunday and now my mom has taken over. Seriously...it's a full time job!! Have I mentioned how grateful I am for family? Well, I am!!

And of course Ryan has never been busier...what a guy! Working full time and taking over a ton more responsibilities around the house and nightly duties when children cry out or can't sleep, yadda, yadda. All this and no sex (doctor's orders)...what a bum deal. This is when a sister wife would come in handy...KIDDING!!!! You can see what sitting of a sofa can do...I'm getting crazy these days...saying what ever comes in my head. Better move on to something else.

The nurse from my doctor's office calls me twice a week to check up on me. We might start sharing recipes or something before we know it we talk so often. Anyway, she says that the doctor is actually having me leave the sofa to come in and see him on Thursday. Just a routine check: baby's heartbeat, my weight (I really don't want to know that one), and I'm not sure if he's going to check me (as in to see if I've dilated more since two weeks ago). Let's hope not!

I've got to schedule Piper's 18 month check up soon. I can't believe she's already 18 months! She's become a little more vocal...she knows "Mommy" and "Daddy" (although she tends to use Mommy for Ryan and Grandma too). She says "owie" when she's hurt. When it's time to go somewhere she says "Go, go, go" all the way to the door. And just recently she started trying to mimic the girls when the yell out "echo". Although when Piper says it it comes out more like "decho". What a cutie she is.

And since we're talking about what kids say I'll leave you with a Morgie quote for the day.

"You know...poop is a bad word. Like you don't say "I just went poop" to people. You shouldn't do that."

Words to live by.

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