Friday, October 7, 2011


* I went to the doctor yesterday for a check-up. I got to bypass the waiting room and went straight back to see the doctor...they didn't want me out of "bed" for more than I needed to be. So that's a highlight of bed rest...I get quick service! They gave my mom some major kudos for looking after my family...they even gave her a free flu shot! Now everyone has been given a flu shot in this household (except for Ryan who is a flu shot hater). But, no matter how hard we try to avoid illness, someone always still gets sick.

So yeah, the doctors visit...when talking, he told me that if I were to go into labor right now, the baby would most likely be about 3 pounds and have to be in the NICU for 4-6 weeks. This kinda put it all in perspective for me. A reminder that it's not about job is to protect this little matter how hard bed rest is! I need to be more positive instead of wallowing around...THIS IS TEMPORARY!!

* We got our first snow of the season yesterday. I couldn't believe it. Granted it was a slushy, wet snow that didn't stick on the ground or anything...but still, it was snow falling from the sky! It's been quite chilly all week and for the past two days I've had the heat on in the house. Actually, it's a cozy feeling sitting in a warm house looking out the windows while it's raining/snowing. My mom made chili and corn bread last was the perfect meal to complement the cold day. I do look forward to all the comfort food Fall and Winter bring!

* My neighbor got my mom and I started on Drop Dead Diva, a show that I think airs on Lifetime. Anyway, she came over Monday and we watched the first show of the first season on her Netflix. We can get together when Haley and Morgan are both at school and Piper is napping (quiet house!) It made for a very girly afternoon watching TV and eating fruit and chocolate!

Another week down...go me!


  1. You can do it, Kelly! NICU is sooo not where you want to be. I wish I had gotten the option of bed rest.....

  2. Haha, I watch Drop Dead Diva, but don't know anyone else who does. :)
    Good luck with bed rest, and you're so lucky to have such an awesome, helpful Mom!

  3. Oh, Kelly, I'm praying that your bed rest experience goes well! I'm so, so sorry for the long weeks and all the worry. You're doing great!
