Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My poor Ryan.

As if things couldn't get any worse...now Ryan's sick. And I mean sick, sick...like harfing sick. Why????? Talk about bad timing. Poor guy, he looks absolutely miserable. After a rough night he says to me, "It's okay...I think I can still go to work." Uh...yeah right, Ryan...nice try. He's been quarantined in our bedroom for the day. No children can enter that room! I cannot have anyone else getting sick!! We'll just open the door a crack and throw in an occasional Gatorade or Sprite. "Here Ryan, CATCH!" Just kidding, we're taking good care of him...promise.

Had my check-in with the doctor today. Come Wednesday, I'll have three weeks left of bed rest. I'm on the downslide now...I think it's uplifted my spirits a bit. He may take me off my contraction meds at 36 weeks...we'll see. I go back in two weeks. I can do it!

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