Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mid week update

My mom and I have been going through all my bins of girl clothes and getting them organized. They were organized at one point...honest. I guess after a few years I just got lazy and started throwing things into whatever bin I could get my hands on. Now, they are all neatly labeled: 0-6 months, 6-12 months, 2 T, 3 T, get the idea. It's wonderful having things in their proper places. Hopefully, I'll keep it that way. But anyway, we pulled out all the newborn stuff. I know it hasn't been all that long since I had Piper wearing that stuff, but oh, how I loved seeing it all again! Little layettes, and sleepers...dresses, and booties! So cute! It makes me very excited to see our newest little member of our family.

We're still working on names. One name keeps coming to the table, so we may have a winner. But you'll just have to wait to find out what it is. Don't you just hate when people do that!

Illness update. Ryan is on the mend today. He was sick ALL day was awful! But he went back to work today and seems to be feeling much better, thank goodness! Piper was next...she threw up 3 times in about an hour span and then she was perfectly fine for the rest of the day. In fact, she was starving at dinner! Scarfed down everything! Aren't kids weird when it comes to being sick? I mean how can she been barfing one second and then inhaling her food the next? Strange...but a good thing I guess. Everyone else seems to be doing fine, but then I've been there, done that. Just when you think you're in the clear...BAM, someone else gets sick. And why is it we are always dealing with a stomach bug in this house?! It has only been FOUR months since the last time the kids were harfing! What's up with that?! I just can't win.

By the way...I'm going on 34 weeks (did I already mention that).

I'm thinking a picture is in order in soon.

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