Friday, October 21, 2011

Halloween Houses

The girls have Thursday and Friday of this week off...Fall break. Fall break is originally because of the deer hunt...a little perk of living in Utah. So yesterday a friend came over with her daughter to make Halloween houses with the girls. What a fun project! I sat outside for over two hours. It felt so good to feel the sun on me and chat the afternoon away with her and my mom while the kids played. I needed a good dose of Vitamin D!

I had Morgan take pictures of the houses for me, so the quality may not be all that great. But, I think the houses turned out really, I mean spooky!


Extra house that Haley started.


My mom's


My dad drove in yesterday from Long Beach, it's so nice to have him back in town. Unfortunately, I think my mom is down for the count. She woke up this morning with what we think are the startings of...yes, the dreaded flu. I just feel awful about it. I thought we were all in the clear now, apparently not. Damn.

1 comment:

  1. It was so FUN to see your cute family today (minus you of course!) Ryan gave me a big hug and Morgan did not remember us! That means that soon enough we will be stalking you guys and droping by :)Hang in there you are doing awesome!
