Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cross Out Cancer

Yesterday Ryan took the girls to Wheeler Farm in SLC to participate in the Cross Out Cancer event. They held a run in the morning and cross races the rest of the day, complete with children's races. The funds went to the Huntsman Cancer Institute and Livestrong. When he was registering, Ryan asked the guy if he could chose exactly where his money went. The guy quickly responded, "Oh, you want to make sure your money goes to Huntsman huh?" Hmmmm, something tells me Ryan wasn't the first to ask this question. (We have some strong feelings about Livestrong, and where exactly that money is going. But that is a completely different post...and we won't go there!) Unfortunately, the funds just go into one big there is no telling where it goes...I'll very well assume that our money went to the Huntsman Institute.

Anyway, enough of that. Back to the races. Of course again I'm super bummed I missed out on yet another fun outing...such is life.

The girls were super excited, even though neither one has any experience off road. The turnout was huge...well over 50 kids. Ryan said it was complete chaos, but everyone was having fun.

On the line, ready to go.

Ryan said that Haley was near the back when they were getting everyone to the line. In seconds she had wiggled her way through the crowd to the front of the line with all the older kids. Wow, she's just like her dad! She also insisted that her stuffed monkey remain in her basket for the race...oh, and some water.

I'm thinking we may have to upgrade their bikes next Spring, they're looking a little big on them. Shessh, kids grow too fast!

It looked like a lot of fun...and what beautiful weather! We've been very lucky to have such a nice Fall!

What did I do while they were gone? Oh, I read the paper. My dad stopped by for a visit. I watched an "Up All Night" and a "Modern Family" episode on Hulu. And I bought a couple of things for the girls for Christmas. Yeah, that's right people...I'm on it this year!

Thrilling afternoon for me, huh?

My mom is on the mend after her grueling day with the flu. I'm still a little on edge that the girls or I may still get it. I just don't want to go into labor at the same time as having the flu...what a nightmare that would be!

On a different note...I've been in my jammies all day so far today. One of these days, when I'm off bed rest I'll be able to dress in something other than sweats (or jammies in this case), do my hair and put on make-up...maybe then I'll feel pretty again. That will be nice.

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