Wednesday, October 26, 2011

All hyped up.

I'm sure my kids aren't the only ones who get super excited around the holidays. If it was possible to keep them in the dark until the day of the actual holiday I totally would! But, you just can't keep Halloween secret, or Christmas for that matter...they are old enough now that they are keeping track of every day that passes, counting down the days. And in the meantime they are wired in the day and sleeping very little at night. It happens every year in the Fall. No matter what time we put them to bed, they are up early with tons on their mind. Yesterday Haley and Morgan were going full blast preparing themselves for "jammie day" at school. After school they both ran upstairs picking out their favorite jammies and immediately putting them on. That's right, jammies already on at 4:00 in afternoon. And of course they were both up around 6:15 completely geared up for the least I didn't have to worry about them finding an outfit to put on this morning.

So with all the excitement comes more behavior's bound to happen when kids are so hyped up and not sleeping well. Anyway, today Morgan was talking back and refused to go upstairs when I told her to. Now remember, I'm on bed rest so I can't really take her by the arm and escort her upstairs myself. So, I used the infamous line, "Morgan, if you do not get up those stairs right now...........then something REALLY bad is going to happen." I know, totally weak...but I could not think of any good consequence at the time. I was certain she would call me bluff. But, she didn't. She decided not to stick around to find out what the "REALLY bad thing" was and went straight upstairs.

I love it when a bad parenting moment actually works out. I don't think that phrase will work too much longer though.

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