Friday, October 28, 2011

Pictures of the week.

Haley was scootering home from school and as she pulled up the walk to our house I could hear her say, "Oh my, look at all these leaves!!! I have a lot of raking to do!". And she pretty much got right to it! What a helper...and in her tutu no less. Just because you are working in the yard doesn't mean you can't still be glamorous!

When Piper sees me with the camera she smiles big and says "Cheese". Actually, it's more like "Eeeeeee", but we know what she's trying to say.

Morgan LOVES being a big sister...maybe too much. She is ALWAYS picking Piper up and carrying her around the house or smothering her with hugs and kisses. Half the time Piper screams out to be left alone...a girl needs her space every now and then!

I am now 35 weeks. 2 weeks left of bed rest...oh, how I long for this to be over.

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