Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

This afternoon was all about carving the pumpkins. The girls came up with some great faces and did just about all the carving themselves. I even got in on the action...I'm so tired of missing out on EVERYTHING!

Tomorrow is the big day. We are celebrating my dad and my brother's birthday too...their birthdays are both on Nov. 1 and it's tradition to celebrate them on Halloween. All the festivities are going to be at our house...because, you know...I'm tired of missing out on EVERYTHING!

Their masterpieces.

I was really debating putting this next picture of me in the bunch...I know I look like crapola.
But, I want to document that I was a part of at least some things that are happening around this house. So yeah, go easy on me please.

You know, I haven't put make-up on in 7 weeks.
I haven't done anything with my hair other than pull in back in 7 weeks.
I haven't driven a car in 7 weeks.
I haven' know...with Ryan in 7 weeks.
Okay, I'm way off topic...we're talking about pumpkins here!
Bottom line...bed rest is awful.

Halloween, here we come!

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