Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween 2011

We had a great Halloween, and now we have candy up to our eyeballs! And this pregnant lady is enjoying the extra chocolate around the house a little too much...but hey, I may as well live it up while I can!

The girls did their annual Halloween parade at school. My mom was able to snap a few pictures for me.

Haley waving.

Mom tried to snap a picture of Morgan, but at the last minute she turned her head.

So, here's the second try.
Mom was saying "Wait Morgan!" trying to get the shot. And here's a typical Morgan pose when she's frustrated.
You can just tell she's saying, "GRANDMA, I've got to go!!!!"

Luckily, mom got another when the parade went outside.

That evening the family got together to celebrate my dad and brother's birthday and then of course the kids went out trick-or-treating.

The spooky birthday cake we made.
When Haley came home from school and saw it she immediately says, "Wait a minute, I saw this cake in a magazine!" Yep, she's right...we copied it exactly from a Woman's Day magazine. I think it turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself!

The girls with their cousin, Jett, all ready to hit the streets!
Morgan's mouse costume has some history...I'll share that story soon.

The birthday boys.

The whole gang...minus my other brother, Andrew.
We miss you Andrew!!

And and pregnant. Nearly 36 weeks.
I actually bathed, did my hair and put some make-up on. And let me tell ya, it felt like a ran a marathon after all that!

I've becoming a little sloppy with my bed rest. I'm walking around the house a little more...truth is, I'm coming to the end of my rope...I'm losing it! I do feel more contractions when I move around, so I try to keep it to a minimum. I'm hoping when I meet with my doctor tomorrow he'll take me off my meds and maybe allow me to move around more...then I won't feel like I'm breaking any rules!

Keep you posted.

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