Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mouse costume and some good news!

I told you that mouse costume had some history! Yes, that's me! I think I'm around 6, but I'm not sure. I was in a tap and ballet class...this was the end of the year performance, "Pop Goes the Weasle", or something like that. Knowing my dance/coordination skills, I'm sure I rocked that dance too! I mean look at that pose! I'm a natural!

So, I got some good news today at my appointment. I'm off bed rest! And the doctor took me off my meds. Sweet relief! Although, I have this terrible fear that I'll still be pregnant at Thanksgiving. I better not be, or this is going to be one ticked off pregnant lady!!

I've already walked around a bunch today...I even swept the floor. This afternoon I've been alone with the kids for the first time in 7 weeks. To say I'm a bit frazzled is an understatement! My parents aren't leaving me cold turkey though...they'll be back tomorrow to walk Haley to school. I know it's weird, but when I've been sitting all day, everyday for 7 weeks...I need a bit of help still to transition back into full time motherhood. My poor little muscles are's pretty sad.

So put your bets in now on when you think the big delivery day will be! My dad is shooting for 11-11-11.

It just better be before Thanksgiving, that's all I have to say!

1 comment:

  1. Totally thought that was Morgan when I first glanced at the picture... never realized how much she looks like you until now!

    And I'm SO HAPPY for you and the end of bedrest! You did it!
