Sunday, November 6, 2011

Getting my groove back.

Haley is our official doggy belly scratcher.

Fours days now since I was given the okay to get off my rump. I was SORE the first couple of poor little pelvic muscles were screaming! But, I think I'm coming around and feeling pretty good. Although, I should have rethought the idea of wearing massively tall heels and walking to church...owee!! I may have been slow, but we made it...even though Ryan claimed church would be over by the time we got there (don't worry, he said it a very loving way).

It felt good to get out again and be with my family. And although I struggled quite a bit with putting on tights and my tall boots (a very unflattering chore when 9 months pregnant) did feel good to get dressed up.

The weather has turned cold, we even got a little dusting of snow last night, and to be honest...I kinda like it. I like snuggling up, being able to bake again, soup simmering on the stove, and just feeling cozy in my home on a cold day.

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