Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Inductions and Mice

First off, (just in case you're wondering), baby has decided to take a back seat on the whole labor and delivery thing...apparently she's quite comfortable in there. I'll be getting induced Thursday afternoon. However, I'm still hoping that I'll go on my own...and I'm doing everything in my power to make that happen! Minus, the caster oil. I'm even considering going over to my friends house and jump on her tramp...although, that kinda scares me.

In other news (I'm very apprehensive to share this, but since Ryan has shared quite a bit on his blog, I might as well), we have a mouse problem. There, I said it. It started out with some evidence (poop) of mice in the pantry. We found where they are coming in, set up traps, cleaned out the pantry and secured all the food, cleaned out the garage, removed the dog food and straw and anything else that may have been attracting them in. We even trapped a couple mice...progress.

But then, the other evening (while my parents were over) Ryan spotted one scurrying around upstairs. That was it...I went totally ballistic! We were all chasing around this one little mouse all over the house with a broom. There was a lot of screaming, and several tears shed (by me mostly) as we tried to get that stupid thing. It was a total circus! The mouse finally met it's demise by running into an empty cardboard box where he got stuck...and then Ryan finished the job by whacking him to his death.

Since then we have discovered the mouse probably came in through a little attic door. We have now loaded up with traps, sticky tape, and poison. This is a battle I WILL win!!!

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