Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Getting closer.

Unless I go into labor on my own, tomorrow is the big day...tomorrow at 2:00. I don't like being induced. I've said it before and I'll say it again...when I'm induced there is so much build up and my anxiety goes through the roof. Or like Ryan says, it's like shopping for a baby. This time and date on the calendar staring back at us. "Okay, it's Thursday, 2:00, time to get our baby." It's just weird.

But, with that said...I'm so super excited to meet this little one!! She has already completely rocked our world! What will it be like when she's born?!

I'm at a loss as to what to do today. I have tons of chores to catch up on: laundry, cleaning bathrooms, mopping...I should probably plan meals for the next couple of days. Or then I think I should get out a bit...hit the something fun. But then who am I kidding...the only thing that sounds appealing right now is taking a nap. Which I'll probably end up doing. I've been feeling terribly uncomfortable, fat and ugly lately. Ever since my appointment on Monday I've been a bit down. I was weighed...I should not have looked. This is the heaviest I've ever been during a pregnancy...I've put on 40 lbs...40 lbs!!! I'm usually around the 30 lb. mark...but 40?!! Ugh. The only thing that fits me anymore is a pair of sweat pants...and I pretty much where them everyday. I am not feeling!

Okay, enough complaining. I know, woe is me.

So anyway, I'm nervous about tomorrow. Hospitals, IV's, more needles, catheters, stitches, having an "accident" during pushing (yes, that's always in the back of my head), pain, lots of's amazing how I never get used to it. I wonder if that Dugger lady with 19 kids get nervous before she has a baby...probably not. She's like a robot or something.

BUT, I can't wait to meet my new baby! After everything that has happened with this pregnancy, I just can't wait to hold her!!

So, all the yucky puck is worth it...I would do it all over again.

1 comment:

  1. You'll do great, Kelly! I'll be sending you good thoughts. I had to go through the whole pitocin bit with Thomas. It's yucky, but the end product is worth it! And - dont worry about the weight... you'll more than losing it chasing all your kids. :)
