Monday, December 5, 2011

Welcome to the World

Rory Grace

7 lb. 7 oz. 19 inches

Born December 1 at 6:17 pm.

Ryan and I headed over to the hospital around 1:30 for me to be induced. Thank you to my wonderful neighbor and friend who watched all three of my girls for the entire evening! I know my kids are NOT easy at I'm grateful!

Unfortunately, the doctor wasn't there yet, so we had to wait for him before we could really hit the pitocin hard (we had to have him there before we started since I'm still considered a VBAC). So, we had a couple of hours of very minor contractions and lots of waiting.

Do I look nervous...because I am.


Note the board in the background, under Goals for the next 12 hours.
It says "Make Baby" if you can't read it...very funny Ryan.

Luckily the doctor did show up, broke my water and I was complete within the hour.

Pushed a few times and out she came.

Healthy and perfect baby girl!

Proud Daddy!

My parents were with there as well for the delivery...I'm so glad! My dad has more pictures that I'll have to post sometime. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of them with my camera. Darn.

Haley and Morgan came the next day to see their new baby sister. They are both just thrilled! The first thing Haley said to me when she came in, "Oh, Mommy, I'm so proud of you!!" and gave me a hug. What a sweetheart!

Of course one of their favorite things to do when they visit me in the hospital...watching TV and eating all the snacks the nurses bring in for them.

Okay, I know I have extreme puffy face in this next picture but here we are just about to go home!

So, I've been home for a few days now and I'll be honest and say the weekend was a bit rough. I'm feeling quite overwhelmed, sore and achy. Plus, my folks are leaving to go back to Long Beach on Wednesday, which makes me sad. I've been so used to them living right down the street I really don't want to see them go, especially right before Christmas.

Ryan and I need to find our new's seems a bit chaotic right now, but I guess that's to be expected.

There's a lot to do this month so I've got to pull myself together.

But my little Rory, oh what a sweetie. I can't believe I made it to the end...finally. What a nine months we had! I'm so grateful for a healthy baby...all those fearful days of losing her in the beginning of the pregnancy and all those scary ultrasounds. And then to look over at her now, laying beside me...a perfect little bundle. I am one lucky mom.


  1. Such darling photos! You make it look so easy to have a baby, Kelly! Love you.

  2. You did it! Not only did you make it through a tough pregnancy with 3 little ones running around at home but you made me cry reading your blog! Congratulations on your perfect sweet Rory (LOVE her name)!!
