Thursday, December 22, 2011

Goings on for the week.'s almost Christmas! How this month has flown by! Thank goodness for online shopping, it has been my saving grace this year. If it wasn't for the Internet, Christmas would never happen in this house!

Let's's what's been happening around here.

* Rory is sleeping a little better at night, and when I say "little" I mean little! It seems she just doesn't want to settle down until around 12 or 1 in the morning, and then she'll give me a few hours of uninterrupted sleep before we start again. Oh, and let me just say how I despise Kirkland Signature diapers from Costco! EVERY single night I change Rory's jammies and have to switch out her blankets at least twice because she is wet from head to toe in pee and or poop. Thank you for nothing Kirkland, your diapers suck.

* The girls had their Christmas programs at school...which, the logistics getting to both with other children was quite interesting. Haley's was in the morning, so getting four children dressed and fed (and nurse Rory) and out the door in time was a major challenge. But I did was a miracle!! And then Morgan's program was in the afternoon, so it was back in the car to do it all over again. But let me just say how much I loved watching my girls up there singing! My eyes immediately swelled up with tears...goodness, I'm such a sap.

* Last night Ryan's brother and family came for a visit. They're in town for a little skiing, so it was a treat to spend some time with them. The girls were so excited to see their cousins! It was such a nice evening, all the kids played so well together. Megan was completely in love with Piper and spoiled her rotten with attention. Haley watched Liam play the Wii and I heard her yell out every now and then, "Liam!! You are awesome on that!!" Our family is a little clueless with anything electronic and we're still trying to figure that Wii out. So it was nice to see someone know what they're doing on it!

* Christmas break has officially started today for the girls. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I love the fact that we don't have to rush around in the mornings, but having all four kids home at the same time ALL DAY is a major challenge for me! It's 11:00 and we are all still in jammies (except for Rory, I had to change her entire outfit as soon as she woke up...we'll thank Kirkland diapers for that one!) and I'm surrounded by messes, dishes in the sink, breakfast stuff still out, toys scattered everywhere, I've already had to play referee between Haley and Morgan multiple times, and Piper decided to unwind an entire roll of toilet paper. Give me strength!!

So on to the final countdown to Christmas! I'm super excited about it, we have some fun things planned for the weekend!

Now, if it will just snow!!! I would like to have a white Christmas if possible.

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