Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas 2011

We had a fabulous Christmas weekend! We celebrated Christmas Eve with some friends and my brother's family. We did a progressive dinner...starting at our home for appetizers and then walked to our friends' home for dinner and dessert. We did the Nativity together and sang carols. Even Haley and Morgan sang for us! It was a wonderful evening!

Christmas morning the girls slept in until 7, which was a Christmas miracle in itself!

Piper with her candy necklace. Boy, was she thrilled to find that in her stocking! I think she had it finished by lunch!
I think the big hit was the dollhouse! The girls ended the morning with a scavenger hunt to find it finally in the basement.

The house is huge...Morgan needs a stool to reach the attic space.

Piper playing with her bowling set from Grandma.

Rory relaxing.

And speaking of relaxing...that is pretty much what we all did Christmas day. After a hardy breakfast we enjoyed a lot of down time. The girls loved their new bean bag chairs. Remember when I started those things a couple of months ago? Yeah, I finally finished them for Christmas. They have already gotten tons of use!

The girls watching a movie on their new bean bags.

Morgan relaxing by the fire. I love this picture, she's so content.

And this is pretty much where I spent the day. In my jammies, by the fire, with my little babe next to me. Bliss.

We had a lovely evening at my brother's house where they whipped up a turkey dinner and we exchanged more presents. A pretty perfect Christmas if I do say so myself!

Monday was cleaning and packing to get ready for our trip to California on Tuesday. Unfortunately, Monday night I got hit hard with the stomach flu. It was bad...bad, bad, bad. That's all I'll say about that. So needless to say Tuesday road trip wasn't happening. I was pretty much comatose all day yesterday. And even today I'm still not completely myself. So now, our plan is to leave Thursday...that is assuming everyone is healthy. I hope, I hope!

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