Thursday, January 5, 2012

Long Beach

Yet again I failed at taking pictures...maybe one day when I get a new camera I'll be more motivated. But I got a few.

As soon as I recovered from my mysterious stomach bug we headed out of town to my folks house in Long Beach. We crossed our fingers and just hoped nobody else came down with it. Luckily, no one did!

This was our first trip in our new (to us) Suburban! And the first with four children too! I must say, it was so nice to have all the space, and not to have the kids breathing down our necks in the car the for once.

While there Andrew's girlfriend, Nicole, surprised the girls with a trip to Disneyland! She scored four free tickets for our family! So on Friday Andrew, Nicole, my mom and our entire family spent the day at Disneyland. The girls were overjoyed! Unfortunately, the park had record (RECORD, I tell you) crowds that was insane! Thank heavens for fast passes! They save a ton of time! The two bigger rides we took the girls on were Big Thunder Mountain, which Morgan absolutely LOVED (although I constantly thought she was going to fly right out of her seat the entire time) and Splash Mountain. And Haley's favorite was the Jungle Cruise.

We celebrated another Christmas with all the Grandparents. Everyone got to meet Rory.

With celebrating Christmas, New Year's and just later nights in general, this was a common site:

Haley falling asleep in random places.

Lets see there were also outings to the beach, a breakfast date for Ryan and I, family New Year's picture (it will take the place of a Christmas card), Rory's newborn photo, and lots of visiting with family. Another enjoyable trip! Now we're home and I'm looking forward to a nice quite January to catch up on everything I put off last month.

Happy New Year Everyone!!

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