Saturday, January 14, 2012

2012 here we come!

As you probably already know, 2011 was a challenging year for us.

* Ryan put in his resignation at Reynolds to become a full time Independent Sales Rep. With the economy in the dump, saying goodbye to a steady paycheck and free health insurance was a risky move.

* Right after a he put in his resignation we discovered that I was pregnant...oops. I mean surprise!!

* Had to scramble to find health insurance only to discover that no one would take us because I was pregnant and therefore a liability...and they wouldn't take Ryan because he was married to someone knocked up. So in the end we had to go with COBRA which unfortunately came with a hefty price!

* Then we discovered I had a subchorionic hematoma and had to be put on strict bed rest. That turned into 7 weeks of sofa surfing. It was a crazy time to say the least! Ryan taking on more responsibilities around the house while adjusting to a new work schedule was extremely challenging! Thank goodness for our parents who swooped in to help us out!

* I got off bed rest and we had an a somewhat relaxing Summer.

* When I was 29 weeks pregnant I went into early labor and had to stay at the hospital for nearly a week. Luckily my cervix decided to hang in there and I was sent home for some more bed rest. Another 8 weeks of that!

* Finally, when I made it to 37 weeks I was given the okay to get off bed rest. But as luck would have it I carried my baby all the way to term. And in the end I was induced on my due date.

* We welcomed our newest member of the family, Rory, on December 1st!

So yeah, 2011 pretty much revolved around a crazy, scary, unpredictable pregnancy...and a lot of bills!!

We're hoping this year will be a little easier on us...I think we deserve it.

Some things I want to focus on for 2012:

* Catch up on some home decorating. Painting the walls and complete a few projects that I have in mind.

* Get back to my sporty self...I miss it.

* Having more fun with my kids instead of getting caught up in everyday tasks. Enjoying the little moments more!

So, with that...2012 here we come!

1 comment:

  1. 2011 was such a crazy year! I love that you are so positive after having gone through so much this year.
