Monday, January 16, 2012

Weekend Review

The weekend update:

Saturday Ryan took Haley skiing for a good chunk of the day. She loved it!

The girls did some bike riding in the cul-de-sac.

While we were in California we brought home my brother's old mountain bike from when he was a kid for Haley to ride. She has to get used to the brakes and gears but it won't be long and she'll be out on the trails!

Morgan has now taken over Haley's old bike.

We're starting to see Rory's first smiles! Melts my heart!

Hanging out watching a movie.

Haley got a hold of the camera. And when she does, I get a bunch of blurry pictures to go this one.

And there are always a ton of pictures of the dogs....blurry too.

And a few weird pictures, like her feet. Thanks Haley, I'm glad we were able to document your seven year old feet.

Rory's cheeks are getting chubbier...I love that!

Piper giving her kisses. Doesn't Rory looked thrilled?
Funny story:

A while back Morgan accidentally clogged the toilet. It was very traumatic for her as she thought the water was going to spill all over the floor. It didn't...and Ryan promptly fixed it. But she has not forgotten the whole ordeal. Flushing a toilet is a very terrifying experience for her, and she always makes a huge fuss and she insists that we are by her side the whole time. She would even prefer that we stand there with a plunger in hand at the ready, but we won't go that far though.

So as she's making a huge fuss about going to the bathroom I say to her, "Well, if you don't go in the bathroom I guess you'll have to go outside and go behind a bush."

She gets a huge look of relief on her face and says, "Okay".

Well, that backfired.

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