Tuesday, January 17, 2012

All my children.

I love looking through old photos. And after we did Rory's newborn picture I couldn't help but go back and look at the other girls. They are all so precious, so many memories come rushing back when I look at them. I truly love that newborn stage...even with the sleepless nights.

Haley, August 2004.
Morgan, July 2006.

Piper, April 2010.

Rory, December 2011.

In other news, Ryan left yesterday morning for Denver. He'll be gone til Thursday, but then he's working in SLC at the Outdoor Retail Convention for the rest of the week and most likely the weekend. So, in other words, I'm on my own this week...my first time with all four children. And Monday being a holiday (no school) I was a little worried how my day would go with everyone home.

But all went well...really well actually! Started out with waffles, then to the Life Science Museum, lunch, Piper napped while the girls played, afternoon movie, more play time, made their own pizza's, bedtime. The only time it got crazy was trying to get everyone in bed, but we survived.

Unfortunately, I've got a bit of a cold...okay, a pretty bad cold. After feeding Rory at about 5 in the morning I had a coughing fit that just wouldn't quit. Basically, I was up for the day. I pretty much feel like crapola today...and to make matters worse I think Haley is coming down with the same cold. She went to school and all, but we'll see how the week goes.

I think some good old homemade chicken noodle soup is on the menu for tonight!

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