Sunday, February 5, 2012


My grandfather passed away last night. He was diagnosed with cancer in December so we were preparing ourselves for this, but we had no idea it was all going to happen so fast. The cancer spread so quickly.

At Christmas we were able to see him when we were out in CA visiting. When I was hugging him goodbye he told me he would be coming out to Utah to visit this Summer...but deep down we both knew that moment was going to be our final goodbye.

I can't believe how one moment someone can be so healthy and then the next their health can deteriorate so quickly. He was always so active, always building something in his workshop, always staying busy.

He was a man that never used the phrase, "I love you.". However, I never doubted his love for us...he showed it in other ways. But, five days before he passed away I did get to talk to him briefly on the phone...I told him I loved him and for the first time ever he told me he loved me too and that he loved my family. I will always remember that meant an awful lot to me.

A portrait my brother, Andrew, drew of him.

Last Summer, building the playhouse with my dad and Ryan.

I've never experienced the loss of one my grandparents. I've been so fortunate that all four of them have always been an important part of my life. So this process of losing my grandfather has been very difficult for me.

We'll miss you, Grandpa.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww... so sorry to hear about this. But what a sweet sentiment and tribute to him.
