Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Trying to move forward.

Since hearing the news of my grandfather I've been trying to process it all. All I want to do is...well, nothing at all really...but, life continues to go on. Kids need to be fed, dressed, and bathed. Homework, laundry and errands still need to get done. And as of lately, sick kids need to be cuddled.

A Valentine craft the kids did over the weekend.

It happens to make a nice mobile for Rory.

Saturday morning I had the opportunity to attend a ladies only skate ski clinic at the Nordic Center. Actually, they had both skate and classic...I chose skate. I loved it! I'm going to go to their next clinic in March and maybe even squeeze in an outing myself. Unlike downhill (where it becomes an all day outing), cross country fits fairly well in my small windows of time that I can be away from Rory.

I need a haircut.

I have been obsessed with paint colors.

Hopefully I'll make my decisions soon.

Morgan has become obsessed with being a cowgirl. She wore this outfit all day on Sunday, and then again on Monday at school...hat and all! She is now requesting a pair of cowboy boots. By the way, I prejudged that dress and deemed it too ugly for the girls to wear in public (it was an old hand-me-down) and I threw it in the dress-up bin. But, now seeing it on her...it's actually pretty darn cute!
We have an awful cold going through the house. First me, then Morgan, then Ryan and now Piper has it. Piper's cough seems to be the worst and she's getting very little sleep (which means neither are Ryan and I) because of it, so she is absolutely miserable! She was even checked for pneumonia yesterday...luckily, the results came back negative. So, no meds are given since it's a virus...we just have to tough it out!

So far Haley and Rory have been able to avoid this dreaded cold! Knock on wood!

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