Friday, February 10, 2012

Leaving on a jet plane...

We're jumping on a plane tonight, CA bound for my grandfather's funeral next week. I'm very grateful for my grandma who has helped us with the tickets. Otherwise we'd be driving...and that would be a lot of driving for just a short trip.

We haven't all been on a plane before. The last time I flew, I was alone,Haley was 2 and Morgan was an infant. So, this trip will be interesting now with four children.

Dear fellow passengers,

Please go easy on us. We will be doing our very best to keep our children in line! I promise!
A friendly smile goes a long way...really, it does.

Thank you, Me

So, needless to say I have a lot to do in preparation for the trip. I have to change my packing strategies and simplify everything. I can't rely on the "Just throw it in the car." mindset.

In other news, today is Cowboy Day at school. Hmmm, I wonder what Morgan will be wearing?

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