Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I'm sitting in a hospital room with my little Rory by my side...in CA. She was admitted because her cold has turned into RSV. This closet of a space they have put us in has been my home for since Sunday. Seriously, I really haven't moved from this chair. Lots of sick kids on this floor...and as you know I'm pretty paranoid about illness...so here I stay. We have a roomie, a little boy also with RSV...so there is no shortage of hacking in this room.

I'm depressed about my situation and starting to feel sorry for myself. The sole purpose for this trip to CA was to attend my grandfather's funeral...and I missed it. I spent more than half this trip in a hospital. I'm so sad to have missed the services, missed being with my family. I feel absolutely no closure in the death of my grandfather...something I was hoping to gain by being here.

But I do realize it was the right thing to do, to bring Rory in. She was pretty bad off on Sunday. She was having a lot of trouble breathing: chest retractions, nose flaring, and grunting and wheezing with every breath. I had no choice. But to be honest, I had no idea it would turn out to be a hospital stay.

She's doing so much better today and we have been given the okay to leave. One problem though...my entire family is in Riverside (at least an hour away) right now for the graveside service. I so wish I could be there.

Well, at least I know I'll make our flight tonight. I really want to be home.

Life can really throw you some challenges. But I'm ready for a break from them.


  1. Been following your blog for a long time now and wanted to express my condolences for your loss. Poor Rory and what terrible timing...in the long run, your wonderful memories with him will give you some closure.

  2. So sorry to hear about your grandfather, Kelly. And poor Rory in the hospital! Thinking about all of you! Hang in there and travel home safely.
