Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Back in Utah

We made it back to's good to be home.

Yesterday I was able to spend a few hours with my family before catching our flight. After the graveside service Ryan picked me up and I was able to join everyone (brothers, uncle, grandparents, parents...we had quite a group) to go out to lunch. I was exhausted, dressed in sweats, and I hadn't showered in three days...but I was there! I was so glad to be with my family on such an important day.

And then after a delayed flight we made it home at about 2 in the morning. It was an exhausting trip to say the least. Ryan had to hop back on a plane this morning CO bound for work...ouch.

A few pictures of Rory's drama.

In the ER getting some oxygen.

She had to be transferred in an ambulance to another hospital...we couldn't drive her.

I'm scared to see the bill on that one.

Our home for a couple of nights...I told you it was small!
I will not miss that chair!


  1. That sounds like a lot to deal with! I'm so sorry Kelly! I'm glad she's ok now.

  2. Can't wait to get back to you guys! The pic of Rory is the saddest thing ever!
