Monday, February 20, 2012

How we're doing...

Well, I'm desperately trying to play catch-up with all the household chores since returning from CA. Getting nowhere it seems.
Saturday night we went to a dinner at our church. Oh, how I love a break from cooking!! A free meal and good company...can't go wrong. They even had a little program where the young men and women performed in a talent show of sorts. Mainly, they did little comical skits poking fun at some of the leaders. And then a kid did a weak rendition of a Justin Beiber song. I think I was most impressed with the kid who played the music for the Justin Beiber song using just the piano! But the kid singing could not stop laughing...major case stage giggles. I think Haley was disappointed...she could have done better singing it!

And speaking of Haley. There was some down time between skits and so some kids volunteered to say some jokes to the crowd...and of course Haley jumped on that! Now, let me just say that this girl knows several good jokes! Honestly, she does.

This is what she shares:
"What did the bigger hen say to the little hen?...........Ketchup!"

I think she got a little mixed up with the famous tomato joke in Pulp Fiction (no, she has not seen that movie! What kind of mother do you think I am?!) and some other chicken joke. But the crowd did not hesitate, and laughed up a storm! She was thrilled!

Sunday morning we woke up to a Winter Wonderland! Finally, some snow! The girls were out there right after breakfast!

We went to church later in the day. Morgan got an assignment earlier in the week...she had to share an experience when she remembered to "Choose the Right" to her Primary class. I figured she was supposed share a little experience during the beginning and perhaps several kids were going to get up to share something as well.

So Ryan and I are sitting in the back of Primary waiting for Morgan's turn. Then, not seeing any other children sitting with her at the front by the podium I realize...she has the main talk or "lesson" of Primary! Now, primary talks are extremely simple, they don't expect anything too long or drawn out. I'm thinking a child's talk should be around five minutes long. I blew it! I did not prepare her!! And of course this is our Ward Conference all the big time leaders are sitting in the back as well watching.

So Morgan, all smiles gets up for her "talk" on "Choose the Right". This is what she says:

"This one day me and Haley got into a fight. I really wanted to kick her. But I didn't."


From the back of the room I frantically mouth, "What did you do?!".

"I didn't kick her."

The end.

I hope everyone knew I had a very difficult week...cut me some slack please!

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