Friday, March 9, 2012

My new ride!

Bikes are a big part of this family. I did a bit of racing growing up and of course Ryan is still very much involved in the sport.

Anyway, I haven't had that many road bikes in my lifetime. My mentality is, when you get a new bike you keep it until it basically dies...kinda how I was raised I guess. Opposite of Ryan...I can't even begin to tell you how many bikes he has gone through. Although most of them are from sponsors...but yeah, he's had lots and lots.

For me, I had a steel Medici that I raced on as a Jr. and a bit in first real bike in a sense. Then came the day we wanted to repaint it...when the old paint was taken off we found out my beloved frame was riddled with holes...yes, HOLES! A result from the Midwest Winters no doubt.

From there, I raced on a Caloi, it was pretty much a clunker...but it was free, so you know, I can't really complain. Then, while I was in college I bought a used Trek OCLV...although it was a little on the big side for me, I loved that bike! I had it for about 10 years! At that point, Ryan thought an upgrade might be a good idea. So he bought me an was beautiful! And it fit me like a glove! Although no racing, I did a fair amount of coffee rides on that bike!

After only three years with the Orbea, Ryan thought an upgrade yet again was in order. I was really sad to see the Orbea go.'s replacement is pretty nice!
I think I may have to take it for a spin this weekend!

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