Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekend Review

I got out for that ride! It was wonderful! First of all, I haven't been on a bike in over a year. And secondly, I have not gone out for a ride by myself in years...and that was pulling a trailer with Haley and Morgan in really I wasn't even by myself. I can't even remember a time I rode completely by myself. But anyway, I squeezed in a kit and got out for about an hour. It felt felt really good! It made me feel young...and I love that feeling. It wasn't the most speedy bike ride ever, and my booty was barkin' by the end...but, it's been over a year, so what can I expect?!

Let's see, what else...We took the dogs to the dog park to let them run while we basked in the sunshine, friends over, playing at the park, lots of free time in yard, movies in the evening, and church.

Today, I'm off to the doctor to get a pain I've had in my side for the last 3-4 weeks checked out. At first, I thought it was just a muscle strain, but it hasn't gone away. I'm terrified to find out what the cause of this ache is. I have a tendency to work myself up over these types of things...and my imagination always gets the best of me.

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