Friday, March 16, 2012

My woes and a few pictures of the week.

So I know everyone is just on pins and needles wondering what ever came of my doctor's visit. Well, I'll tell you. After some tests, apparently I have a lot of inflammation in my large intestine which may be the result of an infection. I have some family history of cancer in the intestines/colon, so needless to say this infection freaks me out. I'm constantly in pain (the antibiotics haven't kicked in, which scares me too. Why haven't they started helping? Is it not really an infection? Is it something worse?) So the pain makes me irritable and depressed. I feel like an old lady trying to keep up with my kids...I hate that! All I want is to feel healthy and strong again. I have another doctor's appt. on Monday, so hopefully I'll get some answers then.

Okay, enough of my's making me depressed, scared and anxious all over again.

Let's move on to some other things that went on this week.

Haley called from school the other day in a complete panic. She found a ring on the playground at recess and of course put in on her finger. Well, it got stuck...really stuck! She was sent to the office and they tried their best to get that ring off! Ryan rode his bike to the school to see what he could do. As soon as he walked in he saw her swollen finger and Haley cried, "Daddy, is my finger going to fall off?" Poor thing. They finally got some help from the custodian who came in the office holding a massive pair of loppers, "Okay, Haley...are you ready?" He knows Haley, and he was just giving her a little tease. Haley, though, was completely unfazed, she looks up and holds out her hand, "I'm ready. Just do it!" Of course he said he was kidding and took out a smaller pair of cutters to get it off. Success! They got it off, and she was on her way! Only Haley would have an afternoon like that! That's my girl!

Piper singing to the Pooh Bears the other morning. She calls him "Pooh ba". She sleeps with her Pooh Bear every night and always puts her hands inside his shirt and sleeve to fall asleep.

And speaking of Piper. She is so ready to be one of the big kids! She was playing on this scooter for over 30 minutes while I was making dinner. It kept falling, or she would fall down...but she was determined to figure it out!

The weather has been in the upper 60's and it even hit low 70's yesterday! It's been just wonderful!

Piper and Morgan enjoying a picnic lunch. Ahh, it's so nice when the kids eat less mess in the house. And the dogs love it too.

Enjoy the weekend everyone.

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