Friday, April 13, 2012

A few things from the week.

My little brother, Andrew, came for a visit this week! I had all my siblings here for Easter! To get everyone together at once is very rare, it only happens a couple of times a year, if that.

The girls with their little cousin Jett on Easter Sunday.

Tuesday, my folks, Andrew, Matt, Carrie, Jett and my family (minus Ryan who had to work) went to Camp Floyd for the afternoon. Enjoyed a picnic lunch, the museum, the Stagecoach Inn, and the old school house. Andrew bought the girls' a bonnet...what a great uncle!

Wednesday night we celebrated Piper's 2nd Birthday! My camera died so I don't have any photos of that evening...but we had a nice bbq with family and a couple of friends over. Piper even sang Happy Birthday with us! Except she says it, "Happy you you!" It was pretty cute!

Also this week Morgan was fixed up with her hard casts. Luckily, she only needs to have them for 3 weeks, not 6 thank goodness! Oh, and they're waterproof! Boy, am I thankful for that! Makes life a little easier.

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