Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Just a quick update...two kids in school, and two napping at this very moment...and blogging just isn't what I want to be spending my two blissful, quiet hours doing.

* Rain, we've been getting tons of it. April Showers I guess.

* Colonoscopy. Blah! The prep wasn't as bad this time around...thank heavens. My new approach: take in as many liquid calories as possible. My diet consisted of Sprite, juices, more Sprite, Jello, and Popsicles. A dentist's nightmare! But it worked, I didn't pass out once that night. And what do you know...they didn't find a thing! This I know is good news...but, what about my mystery pain?!! I'm not crazy people!! So, I meet with the doc in a few weeks to go over it all. Whatever.

* I just started reading this.
She's fellow Provo resident, and pretty much everyone that lives out here knows who she is. Okay, pretty much everyone, everywhere knows who she is. But in any case I started reading yesterday. I like it, I like it very much. She found the balance (it seems so far) between sharing with people her practically perfect life without making you want to barf. She finds the joys in every little aspect of motherhood...and I like that. Sometimes I need someone to remind that what I'm doing (being a mother) is a very lucky role to have.

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