Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What do you know...

Ryan left for Denver this morning and just like clockwork, as soon as he left someone got sick.  My little Piper.  She woke up with a fever and 20 minutes later barfed all over the family room floor.  So for about 30 minutes after that it was complete chaos...Piper wrapped in a towel crying on the bathroom floor while I cleaned up the barf, Rory screaming in her bouncy seat, and Haley and Morgan running around yelling "Eeewww, it smells so bad!!!"  They both found clothespins (I have no idea where they found them) and had them on their noses.  And all the while Haley needed to get to school.  Thank goodness for my folks down the street!  My dad walked Haley to school.

Now my sweet little Piper is asleep on the sofa, curled up with her quilt.  All is calm...for now.

Despite the sickies now, we had a lovely weekend.  My in-laws were in town for a long weekend visit.  We went out dinner, picnicked at Bridal Veil Falls, watched the girls play on the playground, went to my nephew's birthday party, barbecued with my folks, and spent the day at the zoo.  Whew!  Unfortunately my camera has died, so I don't have a single photo.  Bummer.  I'm desperately saving my pennies to buy a new fancy schmancy one!  One day.

So that's the latest.  Now, I better get back to it!

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