Friday, April 27, 2012

Read this book!

I finished this the other day.  I know, I'm a slow reader.  But in my defense, I really only read when I'm nursing Rory...that is when I'm not dosing, or desperately trying to convince Piper to stop climbing on something, or stop putting something in her mouth, or to not spill something...etc.  Let me tell ya, breastfeeding and parenting don't mix well.

Anyway, back to the book.  I loved it.  What an incredible story!  Every time I closed the book I just felt such an appreciation of where I am in my life.  Appreciation of being a mother...stay at home mother!  What a blessing that is!  I'm so lucky!  I get to be a mom of four wonderful little girls!  And to live in such an amazing area!  I get to open my front door every morning and look up at those same mountains she described in the book. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think how very fortunate I am to live where I do!  Maybe it's because I had to fight so hard to get this house, I'm not sure...but I am so thankful!

She talks about how every day is such a's so easy to forget that.  Slow down...enjoy the moment.  My kids will only be this age once!

Just the overall power of a family...truly amazing!

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