Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The kids.

We had movie night last weekend and the girls chose Disney's Robin Hood. They've seen it about a gazillion times, but that didn't stop them. It's one of their favorites...they especially love the song "That Phony King of England". And Haley has become quite good at whistling the opening tune.

Anyway, the girls were outside for the longest time and I went out to check up on them. This is what I found.
I know it looks like a homeless camp, but they're actually playing Robin Hood. You know the scene with the clothesline...well, that's their clothesline. They rigged a dog leash across the irrigation ditch...pretty clever if you ask me.

Piper got into the white-out...and some black marker too.

I tried my best to get it off, but I failed. So, yeah...she still has white-out on her face...two days later.

And speaking of Piper...any time I'm in the kitchen doing anything, my little Piper is right there...ALWAYS. I don't have that much counter space, so cooking becomes quite a challenge!

And also this week...this little one turned four months old!

Is she going to be my blue eyed baby?!

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