Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sheesh...where do I begin?

So, I'll sum up what happened since I last posted.

* Ryan started feeling sick Wednesday night...feverish and pounding headache. This continued Thursday and Friday. I kid you not...he did not leave the bed all day on Thursday! You know he's got to be hurtin' when that happens!

* Haley's had a bit of a stomach ache since Friday morning. No barfies or anything...just lack of appetite and achy belly. This concerns me. But, she's still in good spirits and super excited about Easter.

* I still have much pain in my left side from the inflammation in my large intestine. Then, I started getting massive chest pains...seriously, I thought I was having a heart attack! I drove myself to the urgent center to get checked out. Long story short...everything came up good. Heart: good. Lungs: good. However, because my colon is inflamed, it's pushing against my diaphragm causing inflammation in areas of my chest/ribs. I'm a mess.

I'm getting a colonoscopy next week. Yippee. We all know how it went to the first time...well, it sucked. And what do you know...I'm breastfeeding again. Lovely. As hellish as the prep is for me, at least this time I know I won't actually die during it. Because honestly, I really thought I was going to. Death by Colonoscopy Prep...ugh.

* And last but not least, Morgan fell down the stairs today. She fractured both wrists...casts for six weeks! She's absolutely devastated.

Here's to a Happy Easter tomorrow.

Say a little prayer for us...we need all the help we can get.

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