Friday, May 4, 2012

Chicken Pox??

Stay away...we have the pox...maybe.
Piper found we don't actually have them wear masks when they're sick.

As you know, Piper had a fever last week.  It was pretty bad actually.  At one point she had a temp of 103.7!!  Anyway, it only lasted a day or so and then she was going full speed again.  After her, it was Rory's turn.  Luckily, her fever was very mild and only lasted overnight.  Then Morgan had a fever on Tuesday and Wednesday...but, this morning as I was helping her get dressed I noticed some red spots on her torso and upper thighs.  Uh-oh.  Chicken Pox?  She's been vaccinated, but the nurse informed me that she still could get a mild case of it.  Hmm.  Piper and Rory may have had it too, but because they are so young the rash may have never developed.  The nurse suggested I do NOT bring her in to get looked at because of how contagious it is.  Too bad...I would like an actual diagnoses just to be sure.  I'm just supposed to keep an eye on them to see if they blister and scab over.  She stayed home today from school and she's missing the big end of the year fair at school sad.  So these better be chicken pox!!  I don't want her to miss out for nothing!

Haley is now the wild card.  We'll see what happens.

Never a dull moment my friends!

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