Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cuddle Bug

Oh my little Rory.  How she loves to cuddle.  Especially at midnight, then about 2:30 AM, and then again at 4:00 AM, and again at about 6:00 get the idea.  Basically, this girl doesn't care much for sleep.  And she's extremely stubborn and will scream for EVER, until I finally cave and go nurse her back to sleep.  The fifteen minute "cry it out" doesn't work so much for her.  And naps...what naps?  Unless she's in the stroller, she doesn't sleep much in the day either.

But, I'll break her of her bad habits...eventually.  I'm stubborn girl myself.

I must say though, I do love how when I hold her she practically curls herself up in a little ball against me. Such a little cuddle bug.

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