Thursday, May 10, 2012


My oh my, this is a busy time of year!  School is quickly coming to an end and it seems there is something going on everyday!  The days are going fast and I'm desperately trying to keep up!  I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to Summer and the lazy days that go with it...or dreading the fact that all the kids will be home at the same time EVERYDAY!  Yikes!  

Some things that have been going on:

Lots and lots of outdoor play...Hallelujah! 

The girls having a tea party with a good friend and neighbor.  This was Haley's idea and set up everything...the plates with a snack and the little drinks for everyone.
Please excuse Piper...that is a big wad of taffy in her mouth...lovely, Pipes.

Ryan doing some manly yard work while Piper looks on.

This morning Morgan, Piper, Rory (although she was just our background noise of screaming...I know, so relaxing) and I planted in the garden...finally!  We have pumpkins, watermelon, carrots, tomatoes, and peppers.  We'll plant some corn soon.  I sure hope something grows!

Tomorrow is Haley's 5K run at school.  She's super excited.  And luckily, I found a pair of running shoes for her after much searching.  Poor thing would have had to run in her old beat up flats.  Yeah, I saved the day on that one!  What's with kids and shoes?!  They go through them like hotcakes!!

My mom is heading back to LB on Sunday (my dad and Jeffy already went back last week), so we are squeezing in as much as we can together.

Alrighty, now I'm off to enjoy the silence of two babies sleeping.

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