Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

This morning I took my mom to the airport...she's back in the LBC.  Yep, I'm pretty bummed to have to say goodbye.  But, the good news is that my folks will be back sometime in June!  I can make it to then...right?

As my mom and I were saying our goodbyes at the airport, she said she was sorry I had to drive all the way back home by myself (it's about a 50 minute drive...and I wasn't really by myself completely...Rory was with me sleeping soundly in the backseat).  But you know what?  I enjoyed that drive home.  Sad?  Of course I was!  I always hate saying goodbye to my parents.  But that drive was bliss...50 minutes of just me and my thoughts.  A little Mother's Day treat for me.

Happy Mother's Day Mom!
I'll miss you til June!

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