Monday, May 14, 2012

Weekend Review

 Saturday morning us girls (my mom, my kids and me) hiked the Y.  This being a very large Y painted on the side of the mountain representing BYU.  The hike is steep with many switch backs, but Spring and Fall are the best times to hike just gets too dang hot in the Summer.  The last time I did it was 8 years ago!  I was 6 months pregnant with Haley, if you can believe that!  It was just me and my beloved Coonhound, Cassidy.  So, I thought of her often as we hiked.

The view from the top...our beautiful town.
 Rory was a champ and pretty much slept the entire way.
The bonnet she's wearing was mine from when I was a baby.
Morgan was wearing slippy shoes and kept falling on the way down...poor thing.  Time to go on another shoe hunt.
  At one point Haley ran way up ahead of us and I didn't see her for the longest time.  I thought maybe she decided to some trail blazing and perhaps wandered off.  Luckily, I found her near the top.  She wants to be so independent...but I'm just not ready!
Pipes needed a little help on the way up and was pretty much all smiles...
 ...until the way down.  She decided to have a complete meltdown as soon as we turned around.
Kicking and screaming.
Mom and I switched kids...and it didn't take long for Piper to fall asleep on my back.
So with Piper's meltdown, Morgan's slippy shoes, Haley's escape and lots of whining...we did make it to the top!  And it was beautiful!  I think this hike should become an annual Spring tradition!  Yes, that sounds good.

Mother's Day I was greeted with lots of homemade cards from the kids...I loved it!

Haley made this in school and I just needed to share it because it is so Haley.  The idea is to describe characteristics or qualities of MOTHER using each letter of the word.  For example: M could be used for Maternal or Mom.  O could be used for Old...okay that's not such a good one.  But you get the idea.  Haley, never going with the crowd put an animal for each letter.  Please excuse the spelling...she takes after her mama.



My mom's the greatest because she's nice, nice, nice, nice, nice.

I will treasure it always.

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