Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day...Yay!!

We had a very relaxing Memorial Day.  Sometimes just hanging at home with our own little family is perfect.  Actually, our "little" family really isn't little anymore, we have a party already even if it is just us!  BBQ'ed some chicken, corn on the cob, grapes, big salad, and some ice cream on the porch.  Perfect indeed.  Except for that part when Piper ran out into the street trying to chase down some dogs...yeah, that wasn't so cool.  Ryan and I nearly had a heart attack!  Luckily, no cars were around...but still...my heart still races when I think about it!

Speaking of Piper...she has taken to saying "Yay" quite often.  Here is a typical conversation during dinner.

Me:  So, Ryan...what's on tap for tomorrow?
Ryan:  Well, I think I'll go SL and hit up some shops.
Piper:  YAY!!!!
Me:  Oh, we have to return that movie tomorrow!
Piper:  YAY!!!
Ryan:  I should be home around 5:30.
Piper:  YAY!!!!
Haley:  Mommy, what's for dessert?
Me:  Ice cream.
Piper:  YAAAYYYYY!!!!!!

You get the idea...that girl is excited about everything!

Oh, and if you're wondering about potty training...well, I decided to put it off for another week.  Let me explain...Ryan left for Quebec today for the week, and well, I just didn't want to deal with it.  So there.

Piper says, "Yay!!!" to that.

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