Monday, May 28, 2012

Weekend Review

We kicked off Summer hosting a BBQ with our friends and neighbors, Jen and Steve and their daughter Campbelle.  Campbelle and Morgan are BF's and it's so fun that they live right around the corner.  The irrigation ditch that runs beside our house also goes right along Jen and Steve's backyard.  So Haley and Morgan will run along the ditch to their backyard fence and call for Campbelle to play or to say "hello" to their dog, Beau.

Saturday morning Jen and I (as we have become quite the BF's as well) hiked up to the "Y".  It was wonderful to sneak away without kids for a couple of hours!  Plus, I got a good workout in!

Then the storm hit.  First day of Summer break and it rained...boooo!  I decided to bail on going to the bike race with Ryan.  Hanging out for several hours in the whipping wind and rain with four children did not appeal to me!  So I baked cookies with them at home instead.

Church on Sunday.  And oh, Haley lost her other front tooth Sunday.  The other front tooth fell out a while ago in her sleep...we have yet to find it.  I think she may have swallowed it.  Isn't her new smile cute!

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