Saturday, May 26, 2012

Summer, here we come!

Whew!  What a week!  Went through a little bit of everything this week.

Frustration.  I've been feeling a little overwhelmed in the mom department.  Specifically with Rory.  She's my little ball and chain...I'm pretty sure any mother that nurses exclusively goes through this.  6 months is about the age that I want to throw in the towel with breastfeeding.  It gets hard at this point.  I'm aching for freedom, but I'm the only one that can comfort her.  She keeps a close eye on me at all times and fusses when I'm out of sight.  Don't get me wrong, I'm so glad I have the ability to feed her and I WON'T throw in the towel.  But she isn't that little newborn that lays so peacefully in my arms as she eats anymore.  She wiggles, yanks, bites, smacks me in the face, pulls at my shirt.  You know at the fair when you see the baby pigs all gathered around their big mama pig eating.  And they're grunting and pulling and you think, "Ouch, that poor mama pig."  Yeah, that's what it's like nursing a 6 month old.  The only time she's peaceful is when I nurse her before bed.  But I'll keep on keeping on. Hey, at least I have big boobs...that's a positive!

Overwhelmed.  The schedule was a bit crazy this week with the school ending.  Ryan and I went to Haley and Morgan's Dance Festival...we loved it!  All grades participated in dances focusing of different regions of the world.  They did such a good job!  For part of Haley's dance she had to do a type of "patty cake" with her partner and at one point I thought maybe it was going to turn into a smack down as the two of them seemed to be getting pretty forceful with each other.  Just think Chevy Chase in European Vacation during the October Fest scene.  Yeah, it was about like that!  It was hilarious to watch!

Of course the last two days of school ended up being chilly (it's like every year it seems) and they weren't able to have the water play during their field day.  Needless to say Haley was pretty bummed.  The cold does not phase her in the slightest!

Excited.  Summer has begun.
Late nights, ice cream, water play, lazy days, bbq' we come!

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