Monday, May 21, 2012

Solar Eclipse and Weekend Review

I think we had a pretty good weekend if I do say so myself.  First off...I finally started painting on Saturday!!  I started with a buttery yellow in the family room and I love it!  Now, I'm on a goal is to have the entire inside of the house painted by the end of the Summer.  What do you think?  Think I can do it?!  Well, I'm gonna try!  Did I mention there are a ton of walls in this house!

Lots of lawn work, playing in sprinklers, homemade pizza and movie with the kids.  The movie they picked out at the library this time...The Hunchback of Notre Dame.  Haley loved it, Morgan hated it.  Kinda freaked her out.  I must say, it was much more serious then any other Disney movie I've seen.  But just because Morgan hated it, this still does not stop Haley from watching it every single day until we have to return it on Saturday.  And she has also taken to dressing up like a gypsy (like in the movie) and dancing on the sidewalk with a sign that says, "Money" next to an upside down hat.  Yeah, that's Haley for ya!

Sunday was another spectacular day.  I went for a bike ride in the morning, just me, and it was wonderful!  We churched it up in the afternoon and then picked up some fried chicken and other sides for a picnic at my brother's house to watch the solar eclipse.  He has an amazing view of the entire was perfect!  

I geeked it up with some homemade pinhole cameras that Morgan and I made.  Although, unfortunately there was a bit of cloud cover and we resorted to using X-Ray sheets that a neighbor had, which worked out wonderfully!  It was a pretty cool thing to see!  The girls would race over to see, and then say, "Oh, yeah...that's neat." and then off they'd run off to play some more or check out the turkey carcass/pelt from next door.  You know, May is the turkey hunting month and the neighbors got themselves a doozy!  

This week marks the homestretch for school, four more days left and I'll be spending everyday, ALL day with ALL four of my children!  Oh, goody!  I better get busy with Summer ideas to keep these little girls busy!

So, with these last four days, we have Morgan's Un-Birthday Party tomorrow, their Dance Festival Wednesday, Field Day on Thursday and 11:30 early on Friday.  It's going to be a busy week!

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