Tuesday, June 5, 2012

6 Months

My little Rory is 6 months!  This morning during her check-up we discovered that she grew over 2 inches in the last two months!  She's 27 inches long, putting her in the 88%tile for length.  But she's still a skinny thing though...13 lbs, so she's in the 6%tile for weight.  I'm not really surprised, that's how all my kids are it seems.  Something different about Rory...there is a spot on her forehead near her hairline that does not have any pigment.  So as she gets older and grows more hair she will have a very glamorous white streak of hair.  I've known about it since she was born.  The doctor was a little stumped because it's usually hereditary, but Ryan and I don't have any family history of it.  So she's a very special case.  My blue eyed girl, how we love her!

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