Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy Feet

My friend and I walked over to the nail place and got pedicures this afternoon!
Confession: The last time I had a pedicure was right before my sis-in-law's wedding...about 11 years ago!
I need to do it more often...seriously, it's so refreshing!  Plus, I get to read trashy gossip magazines!

I'm really stalling on potty training Piper.  I told myself I was NOT going to buy another box of diapers...well, the basket is nearly empty now.  Uh-oh.  What to do?  What to do?

Summer is here!  Late nights are now upon us.  Last night we had a couple of  Ryan's cycling bros over for some cake and ice cream and we didn't get the kids to bed until nearly 10!  Oops!
That won't be the last time I'm sure.  

1 comment:

  1. Potty train! You can do it!! Just think of the $$ you will save from not buying Piper's diapers. More $$=more pedicures.
